Friday, 20 September 2013

Treatment for ‘Cloud 9’ by Ms Dynamite ft Shy FX

I have been doing a great deal of research towards my music video, analysing music videos, thinking about how they relate to lyrics and target audience, and other videos within this genre. Based on the research, these are my initial thoughts for my music video:

The narrative for my video I would like to cut between a variety of scenes, for example, I will have a female artist strolling through a field, also walking along a beach, swimming in a pool, singing into a microphone etc. I will have images showing the artist thinking about something/someone that is making her happy (on Cloud 9!) This links well with my mise-en-scene, it will be set on beaches, fields, very outdoors, also I would ideally like to have the sun shining and use high key lighting, making it look summery linking to the summery feel to the song. I would like to include old cars and buildings to have the contrast between aspirational locations and a run down, less materialistic approach.

Possible props like an iPod, phone or another device in which my artist will be listening to music on, singing along to the music, lip syncing with the background music. She will also be wearing sunglasses to emphasise the summer season, also summery clothes will be worn by my model, loose trousers, shorts, crop tops, long dresses etc. I hope to include various special effects, such as slow motions, fast paced editing, fading between scenes, however I want to keep it fairly natural looking and realistic.

Various cinematography techniques will be used, I will have long pans across beaches and fields to show locations, close ups of the artist lip syncing along with the music and also to show emotion on the actors face. I also plan to use high angle shots to make the actor superior, on top of the world, on 'Cloud 9'.

My star persona will be fun, laid back, very happy, fashionista, who my female target audience can connect with. I want to create the effect of a dream, peaceful and calm, cutting the shots in time with the beat of the music, flowing as if the audience is dreaming, imagining this 'Cloud 9' feeling.

My music video will meet many of the genre conventions including aspirational locations, cheerful, bright colours and the appearance of a laid back lifestyle. I want my music video to also be upbeat, fun and summery, capturing the Caribbean way of life. But going against genre conventions I won't be sexualising women, or portraying materialism.

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